What's the probability of that?

12 May 2023

On an airplane back from my diving states competition in Hilo, I sat next to a father and daughter pair flying back from a robotics competition. The father in the pair asked me what I wanted to study in college, and when I told him I was deciding between dentistry and statistics, he told me to go with dentistry because I wouldn’t go anywhere with statistics. Every time I expressed to people that I enjoyed statistics, they would tell me that I wouldn’t be able to do anything with it and that I should pursue a career in medicine.

A leap of faith

The summer after my senior year of high school I enrolled at the University of Hawaii as a student majoring in biology. However, I learned about data science the month before my freshman year of college. I decided to take a leap and go against all odds and what everyone else had told me. I changed my major to computer science without any previous knowledge or experience in the field. What’s the probability of that?

Sink or Swim

At first, I felt like I was drowning. I was so overwhelmed with new concepts and ideas that I had to learn. However, throughout my freshman year, I learned about the many different interesting and complex facets that computer science has to offer. With every language I learn, I feel like I am more comfortable swimming in the pool of computer science, being less afraid of sinking.

To infinity and beyond

Software engineering is at the intersection of innovation and problem-solving, two things that I want to strive for. As someone with limited coding knowledge beforehand, I was amazed by the transformative power of software in shaping our digital landscape. What has stuck out to me the most is the ever-changing nature of the field; forcing us to learn and adapt with it.

In the future, I hope to deepen my skills in various domains of software engineering. Becoming proficient in diverse programming languages is important. While I have experience with languages like Java, C, and C++, I am excited to learn emerging languages and frameworks. Looking forward, designing, and implementing solutions is a skill set I aim to cultivate.

I also recognize that collaborative teamwork and effective communication is also important in software engineering. Through hands-on experiences and collaborative projects, I hope to strengthen my ability to work within interdisciplinary teams, adapting to different methodologies and contributing meaningfully to the development process. I want to contribute to the creation of impactful, user-centric software that addresses real-world challenges.

My journey in software engineering is just starting. It is driven by a passion for constant learning, innovation, and a commitment to making a positive impact. As technology continues to evolve, I look forward to refining my skills, collaborating with diverse teams, and contributing to the innovative landscape of software engineering.