Holding Up a Mirror

17 Jan 2024

Even as a total beginner to JavaScript, I have come to appreciate the language. My coding journey began with my freshman year of college at the University of Hawaii at Manoa learning Java. Having no background in coding, learning Java ended up being a formidable challenge. However, with practice and time, each language that I have learned after Java such as C, C++, Python, and now JavaScript, has become easier and easier. Even though the language and syntax are not the same, many concepts and ways of thinking carry over, breaking barriers beyond the language.

Taking a closer look

I prefer the syntax of JavaScript over C and C++ because it is not required for me to write out a main function every time I want to code something. However, I feel like Python is the most useful for the type of coding I aspire to do for a possible future career as a data scientist. I used Python for my machine learning class, which required me to make many different types of graphs and visuals to present the data found in a way that was easier to comprehend and draw conclusions from. I have not used any other language to make visual representations of data other than Python. However, I do like to code in JavaScript so far. I appreciate and hope to learn more about arrow functions and destructuring assignments from ES6 so I can apply them in the projects that I wish to pursue in the future.

A fresh set of eyes

It’s hard for me to decipher if JavaScript is easier because I now have three semesters of practice and previous knowledge of other languages under my belt, or if it is just an overall good programming language from a software engineering perspective. In my opinion, it is a decent language from a software engineering perspective because it is supported by all major browsers. This is what makes it so popular with those who work with web applications. It is versatile in that it can be used for both front and back-end development with many libraries you can pull from. However, I have read many complaints about the language from those who use it. Some people don’t like how the variables are global by default and that the concept of inheritance is different from other languages, which makes it less intuitive. I have not had any complaints when it comes to working with JavaScript so far, but I also have not had a lot of experience working with it when it comes to more complicated, higher-level code. I feel JavaScript is relatively easy to use when it comes to simple code performing simple functions. However, I am interested to see if my opinion changes throughout the year.

From the courts to the computer

As a former athlete, and someone who likes to get things done in the most efficient way possible without giving up quality, I appreciate the concept behind athletic software engineering. I like the style of learning because I believe we learn best from our mistakes, and we can’t make mistakes if we never try. As an athlete, we don’t just practice our skills right before a big game or an important meet. We practice throughout the week every day so that when it comes to high-pressure and high-stakes moments, we can have trust in ourselves to do what we’ve been practicing. We condition and push ourselves to do things that we know we might not be able to succeed at the first try because that’s how we become stronger and better athletes. This principle was true for me as a volleyball player, diver, and pole vaulter, and now I know this will be true for me as a coder.